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E-guest lectures by International experts for SIT students

The international cell of SIT organized webinars by International experts Dr Wolfgang Kleinert from Germany and Dr Razi Nalim from USA.
The speaker for the first webinar held on July 15, 2020 was Mr Wolfgang Kleinert, Ex- Senior Executive, KSB, Germany. Dr Klenert is an expert in setting up new factories and developing a quality assurance system according to German standards for Nuclear Power Plant Pumps, advising in design and manufacturing. Dr Kleinert has executed large scale projects worth more than 90 million Euros of establishing pump stations in various countries such as Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Iraq, Germany, Botswana and UK worth 90 million Euros. Dr Kleinert shared his experiences with the students of Civil Engineering and discussed about the challenges he faced and how he could overcome those challenges. Students were thrilled to interact with him and appreciated his views.

The second webinar was organised by eminent academician Dr. Razi Nalim on July 21, 2020 for the students of Mechanical Engineering. Dr Nalim is Executive Associate Dean for Research & Global Initiatives for the Purdue School of Engineering & Technology in Indianapolis, USA.
A Fulbright Scholar Dr Nalim is an expert to develop pressure-gain combustors for power plants and jet engines, and autonomous transportation systems. His pioneering research at NASA led to the first US demonstration of a wave rotor combustor at Purdue University’s Zucrow Labs. Dr Nalim shared his research on Propulsion systems and Wave motors with the students. The students showed lot of interest in his research work. His talk was well appreciated by the faculty and students of Mechanical Engineering of SIT.