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Faculty Profile

B.Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)

Dr. Pritesh Shah

Dr. Pritesh Shah
Ranked in World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford / Elsevier
| IEEE Senior Member, Certified MATLAB Associate |
| Professor & Head, Electronics and Telecommunication Department |
| Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
| Pune 412115, Maharashtra, India. Phone: +91 20 6193 6499, Mobile: +91 8975315741
| WoS | Scopus | GScholar | ORCID | RGate | LinkedIn | T&F | VIDWAN |


The Department has a strength of over 500 students enrolled in its Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Ph.D. programmes. Along with the core E&TC subjects department offers a wide range of elective subjects and facilitates industrial projects, all of which prepare the students for a career after their basic degree. Efforts are made to impart as much project-based learning as is feasible. Towards this, investments are made in an ongoing manner in having well equipped laboratories, software tools like MATLAB, SIMULINK to name a few. The department has undertaken industry sponsored research and has started interactions with other universities and research groups in industry.

The department has dedicated faculty and staff who continuously engage in improving teaching methods and undergo faculty development programs and undertake research. The faculty of the Department along with their JRFs are involved in research in areas such as Communication, Control Systems, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Embedded Systems. Every year students carry out the final year projects in collaboration with industries.

Along with the core degree, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication also offers the following additional Honors in line with the industry's latest trends.

Program Intake
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Telecommunication) 120
Click here for Brochure
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Telecommunication) with Honours in Embedded Systems
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Telecommunication) with Honours in Semiconductor Technology
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Telecommunication) with Minors in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Telecommunication) with Minors in Cyber Security


To emerge as a leading source for Electronics and Telecommunication engineering, fostering globally proficient engineers to meet the demands of evolving industry and society.


  1. Foster collaboration with industry to facilitate the acquisition of cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the generation of up-to-date knowledge, enhancing employability and sustainability.
  2. Encourage innovation, research, and development, creating an environment conducive to higher education, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning.
  3. Cultivate leadership qualities infused with social and ethical values, providing a platform for their development.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1Graduates will possess a strong foundation in science and engineering fundamentals, along with analytical skills to effectively solve real-world problems.
PEO2Graduates will gain technical proficiency in Electronics and Telecommunication fields and scale new heights in the profession through lifelong learning.
PEO3Graduates will embrace professionalism, ethical conduct at all levels and constantly evolve in a multidisciplinary approach leading towards sustainability.
PEO4Graduates will leverage their engineering knowledge, effective communication skills, leadership qualities, and teamwork spirit to serve society and contribute positively to their community.
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO 1Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO 2Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO 8Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO 1Demonstrate proficiency in development, design and analysis of electronic systems using advanced hardware and software tools in the domain of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
PSO 2Deploy conventional and advanced techniques/ tools in diverse domains of Electronics and Telecommunication for the well-being of the society.

OBE Manual

Dr. Pritesh Shah
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Embedded Systems Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Digital Signal Processing Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Digital Electronics Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
VLSI Design Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Instrumentation and Power Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Basic Electrical and Electronics Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Analog and Digital Communication lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Renewable Energy Technology Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Tinker Lab
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights

Pedagogies used in Teaching and learning at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering apart from the regular classroom teaching methods

Civil Minor Specialisation

Name of Activity – Learning by doing (building models or creating content)
Faculty Name - Dr. Shilpa Hudnurkar
Course Name – Electromagnetic Field Theory

SR. No. Points Details
1 Goal A. Making students understand difficult concepts by building models.
2 Preparation A. Topics were identified from the syllabus on which model can be built or video can be prepared.
B. Students were asked to make a group of 4.
C. Topics were allotted to students.
3 Methods used A. The respective topics were taught in the class.
B. Guidelines were provided on how to build a model.
C. Students were encouraged to present their models and show their videos.
4 Significance of Results/ Outcomes A. Every student enthusiastically participated in the activity.
B. Models reflected their creativity and make them understand difficult concepts.
5 Reflective Critique 1. Topic distribution should have been made earlier.
2. More topics can be added for model-based learning
6 Link on Website
7 Peer Review 1. Model making activity is helpful for better understanding of the basic concepts, otherwise the subject is little bit difficult to understand.
2. Content creation of the derivations can be reflected in the activity

Name of Innovation – Use of open source Industry standard simulation analysis tools to implement and analyze various circuits taught in the theory.
Faculty Name - Dr. Mohammad Faseehuddin
Course Name – Analog Circuit Design and Electronic Circuit Design

SR. No. Points Details
1 Goal A. Use of circuit simulation tools among students
B. To teach students to verify the concept taught in the class
C. To inculcate critical thinking and analysis capabilities in students
2 Preparation Milestones are prepared
A. Presentation to make students familiar with the use of simulation tools
B. Bi-weekly discussion on the problems faced by the students
C. Presentation of Mini-Project and result discussion
3 Methods used 1. Introduction to various simulation and analysis software
2. Implementation of complex circuits concepts taught in the theory on the software
3. Discussion on the effect of various parameters on the performance on the implemented circuits.
4 Significance of Results/ Outcomes 1. To make students understand and apply various circuit design concepts.
2. To make students understand the tradeoff between various design parameters.
3. To make students design small mini projects by applying the concepts they studied in the theory.
4. The students will be able to use simulation tools for design and analysis of circuits.
5 Reflective Critique 1. Introduce tools at starting of the course
2. Bi-weekly discussion with the students
6 Link on Website
7 Peer Review 1. It is a good activity for understanding the basic concepts and to perform analysis of the circuits.
2. Mini project makes the students to reflect their understanding of the concepts/subject.

Name of Innovation – Self-learning & upgradation through Content Creation
Faculty Name - Dr. Mousumi Bhanja
Course Name – Analog Circuit Design

SR. No. Points Details
1 Goal A. To involve students in Teaching-Learning process
B. To create more interest for the subject
C. To encourage Self-learning habits, team work
2 Preparation Milestones are prepared according to content (total 4 units)
A. Unit-1: Familiarization to topic by keywords of course
B. Unit-2,3: Developing the ability to form question and its answer
C. Unit-1,2,3,4: Continuous monitoring of status by surprise tests/question-answer sessions
D. Unit3,4: Mini project implementation using modern tool & presentation at final stage
3 Methods used 1. Writing keywords of related topic after completing each unit.
2. One student-one QA: Writing question-answer (open book) after completion of every unit towards preparation of question bank and study material.
3. Surprise class quizzes
4. Mini Project & presentation at final evaluation using modern tools (LTSPICE, CADENCE).
4 Significance of Results/ Outcomes 5. Based on this method, students were able to know about the subject topics through their keywords, open book question-answer writing made them able to learn how to write right answers properly (content according to assigned marks). They built team for mini project and found problem statement and solutions together. Students were introduced to use of Modern tools in the relevant field.
5 Reflective Critique 1. Introduce tools in starting of the course
2. Milestone-A,B may be planned for all the units of the syllabus
3. Another pre-evaluation session may be incorporated to monitor the status of mini project before final presentation.
6 Link on Website
7 Peer Review 1. Good practice to remember the keywords and understanding the concepts related to the keywords.
2. One student one question involves each and every student to participate in the activity.
3. The circuit can be designed and tested on the breadboard for better hands on understanding of circuits.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering BOS Sub-Committee

Name of Internal Member Designation Institute/Organization Contact Details (Tel. and Email Id) Member Designation
Mobile Email Id
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Internal Members
Dr.Pritesh Shah Head, E&TC Department SIT, Lavale 8975315741 Chairperson
Dr. Sumit Kumar Professor, E&TC Department SIT, Lavale 7988610376 Member
Dr. Mangal Singh Associate Professor, E&TC Department SIT, Lavale 8966000044 Member
Dr. Priti Shahane Assistant Professor, E&TC Department SIT, Lavale 9850974478 Member
External Members
Dr. Yogesh Dandawate Professor VIIT, Pune 9422331011 yogesh.dandawate External Academic Expert
Dr. Rabin Patra Co-founder Tarana Wireless Inc. 088-88755860 External Industry Expert

Department Advisors

Department Advisors
Program Name Eligibility Mandatory Courses at 10 +2 level Other relevant course(s) for this discipline
B.Tech First Year Indian Students Passed 10+2 examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ Information Technology/Biology/Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject/ Agriculture/Engineering Graphics/Business Studies /Entrepreneurship

Obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together.
Passed D.Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector.

(The University will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering drawing, etc., for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to prepare Level playing field and desired learning outcomes of the programme)
Physics , Maths Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ Information Technology/Biology/Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject/ Agriculture/Engineering Graphics/Business Studies /Entrepreneurship
B.Tech First Year International Students International Students' eligibility as per SCIE norms.

Please follow link
Lateral Entry Passed Minimum THREE years/ TWO year (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in ANY branch of Engineering and Technology.
Passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC, with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics as a subject.
Passed B. Voc/3 –year D.Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector.

(The University will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering drawing, etc., for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to achieve desired learning outcomes of the program)
Reservation Policy for all program
I. Within the sanctioned intake a) SC (In Percentage) b) ST (In Percentage) c) Differently abled (In Percentage) d) NRI (In Percentage)
  15 7.5 3 5
II. Over and above the sanctioned intake a) Kashmiri Migrants (In Seats with a maximum of 10 seats in the Institute) b) Foreign National /Overseas Citizen of India /children of the Indian Workers in the Gulf countries. (In percentage per course    
  2 15    

* Subject to AICTE guidelines.

Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights

Students of Electronics & TelecommunicationNitya dept Sharma ,Nitish Ragavendara H (Batch 22-26) & and Gaurish Malhotra( Batch 23-27) participated in the prestigious 30-hour 5G and 6G Hackathon 2024 and secured an impressive 2nd position among 1,000+ submissions from across India and bagged a cash prize of INR 1.5 Lakhs.

M.Tech (Embedded System) Batch 2023-25, student Ms.Vaishnavi Kulkarni has secured an internship at NP Medical Technology with a stipend of 10K.
Congratulations to Vaishnavi

Steve Francis, B.Tech E&TC Batch 2021-25 got an internship at the University of Waterloo, Canada under AICTE Mitacs! As a third-year Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering student, this is a fantastic achievement and a testament to hard work and dedication. The University of Waterloo is known for its cutting-edge research and innovation, and we are sure that Steve will make the most of this incredible opportunity.

Sailesh Kumar, M.Tech Embedded System 2023-25 Batch student, received a paid internship from Aeron Systems. Congratulations to him!

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication SIT third year E&TC student Steve Francis(Batch 21-25) attended the 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) IEEE conference where the paper titled "Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for E-Vehicle Applications" was presented!
🚀This paper explores innovative solutions in wireless power transfer, specifically tailored for electric vehicle applications.

Two students bagged the AICTE MITACS Global Link Internship in Canada

Three students bagged internship at ISRO, Ahmedabad

Book published by our Third year student

Third year E&TC students Pratham Talekar, Parth Nikam and Om Kamble won the TIAA Hackathon.

Prachi Lal from the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication SIT along with Dev Bhanushali from the Department of AI and Machine Learning were a team from Symbiosis Institute of Technology in the 24-hour hackathon conducted by GNI Institutions, Hyderabad. They developed an AI model for advanced diagnosis of brain tumours using MRI.

Our students Ruchira Purohit, Yana Sane, Sowmya Vedantam and Devashree Vaishampayan presented their paper on "A Comparative Analysis for Distinguishing between AI-Generated and Natural Images", an IEEE International Conference, hosted in Bhilai, Chattisgarh, on January 11th and 12th, 2024. Their research, titled "AI vs. Human Vision: A Comparative Analysis for Distinguishing AI-Generated and Natural Images" under the guidance of Dr. Mangal Singh, has been accepted for publication in the esteemed IEEE Xplore.

Team "Aviatrons," from Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Symbiosis Institute of Technology among the top five teams nationwide at the Smart India Hackathon Grand Finale

Our students Aditya Rane, Vinay Patil and Prachi Lal, secured All India Rank 4 in the National Computer Vision Hackathon held in Bangalore. In this intense competition, organized by Proglint Software Solutions, a Custom App Development Company. They developed a cutting-edge Crowd Management Security System coupled with a dynamic Customer Analytics Dashboard, both of which operate seamlessly in real-time. Event partners for the competition were Alliance University, IEEE BANGALORE SECTION, Institution's Innovation Council-IEM and Computer Society of India.

Our students Nitya Sharma, Nithish Ragavendara H, Rachit Sachdeva, and Rohan Saraswat, second-year ENTC participated in an advanced track six-month-long National Entrepreneurship Challenge (NEC) conducted by E-Cell of IIT Bombay. They secured an impressive 12th position overall in the nationwide competition

Team of our students Yatendra Kumar, Akash Singh, Swastika Gupta, Tejas Patil, Tanmay Yadav and Ruchir Mathur won the prize of Rs 1 Lakh along with team Astra at Smart India Hackathon 2022 organized by AICTE. They created a social networking mobile application, "Tevo" for the problem statement to enhance concentration among students.

Our first year MTech AIML student Sairam Adithya and his mentor Priyanka Tupe-Waghmare, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication SIT received the 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 at International Conference on Robotics, Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence jointly organized by NIT Surathkal and MIT Manipal from 12-14 Oct 2023. Their research in the field of medical imaging was selected for the healthcare track.

E&TC students Nitya Sharma and Nithish Ragavendara H along with the final year E&TC students Abhirup Sarkar, Hussain Sabunwala, Rachit Sachdeva and Ayushman Khetan secured 10th position in the National Entrepreneurship Challenge that was held in January organized by E-cell, IIT Bombay, in which colleges from across the nation took part. It was a six-month challenge with various stages that one had to pass before moving on to the next.

AICTE-MITACS Global Link Research Internships two students selected Abhimanyu Patwa and Soham Hudnurkar.

Kartik Kumar and team in KPIT Sparkle bagged 8 th position.

Sr. No. Faculty Name Achievements Month and Year
1 Dr. Paresh Nasikkar Patents Published
Got a funding of INR 10 lacs for the Major Research Project titled “Halide Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells”.
December 2024
2 Dr. Paresh Nasikkar, Dr. Chandan Choubey Patents Published November 2024
3 Dr. Pritesh Shah Mathwork Faculty Ambassador October 2024
4 Dr. Pritesh Shah & Dr. Sumit Kumar Named among the top 2% of scientists by Stanford/Elsevier for 2023 September 2024
5 Dr. Priyanka Tupe-Waghmare Awarded a research grant of 25,000 Saudi Riyals (~₹6,00,000) by Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University. This award will help her project on developing a workflow for an unsupervised learning framework in medical imaging modalities. September 2024
Sr. No. Faculty Name Achievements Month and Year
1 Dr. Rahee Walambe La Foundation Dassault Systemes Research Grant (as PI) for a project entitled ‘Framework for Explainable Computer Vision Tasks for Drone Imagery’. Approved for funding of 12.8 Lacs November 2023- October 2024
2 Dr. Rahee Walambe UAEU-Symbiosis International University Joint Research Program on Sustainability (as Co-PI) for a project titled ‘Development of a low-cost solution for the detection of structural defects and degradation of solar photovoltaic modules’. Approved for 10 Lacs November 2023- October 2024
3 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad "Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad and his students received a $2000 grant from IEEE SPS & IEEE HAC Project team (#22-SPSHAC-04) for their project addressing local community challenges using signal processing technologies. This grant signifies their collaborative effort in addressing community needs through innovative signal processing solutions." 18-Nov-2022
4 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad and Dr. Satyanarayana (Scientific Officer(H) at TIFR) received a $5000 grant from IEEE for organizing the 2023 SPS Seasonal School on Signal Processing for Medical and Agriculture Applications. 7-Apr-2023
5 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad Received IEEE 2023 Young Professionals UpSkill Matching Grant of 400 USD to organize IEEE 2023 Young Professionals UpSkill 2023 Bombay event 11-May-2023
6 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad " Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad and his students received the Best Paper award at the EAI 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Knowledge and Collective Intelligence on Web and Social Media in Hyderabad, India, on November 24-25, 2023, for their paper titled ""Revolutionizing Autonomous Vehicle Intelligence With Cutting-Edge Spatial Crowdsourcing Framework.""" 25-Nov-2023
7 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad edited a book titled "Advances in Aerial Sensing and Imaging" published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 978-1-394-17469-0) 7-Feb-2024
8 Dr. Sankit Kassa & Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Our students received a Best Paper Award, titled "Numerical Simulation of Conjugate Heat Transfer in Microchannel Heat Exchangers to be Used for Electronic Circuit Cooling Application" at the "Technologia – International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanomaterials – ICRAMEN 2023" Conference organized by Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai in association with Research Association of Masters of Engineering, Pune from 12th & 13th May 2023. May 2023
9 Dr. Bhavna Ambudkar Received "Letter of Appreciation" from Ministry of Education's Innovation Council, Government of India for tthe work in Institution's Innovation Council at Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. October 2023
10 Jayshree Pande Published a Patent titled "A System for Monitoring and Preventing the Emergence of Post Covid Symptoms" (Indian Patent No. 202321076179 ) December 2023
11 Jayshree Pande An Ingenious Maximum Power Point tracker for a Wind Energy Conversion System (Indian Patent No.202321076171 ) December 2023
12 Dr. Bhavna Ambudkar Board of Studies Member, Department of Electronics & Computer Science at Pillai College of Engineering, New Panvel, Mumbai 2023-24
13 Dr. Bhavna Ambudkar Institution Innovation Council Member. Maniben Nanavati Women's College, Bandra, Mumbai 2023-24
14 Dr. Anurag Mahajan Published a Patent Titled "Circular Polarized Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Artificial Magnetic Conductor (Indian Patent No. 202321019123)" April 2023
15 Dr. Anurag Mahajan Published a Patent Titled "CT Image Enhancement Using Modified Triple Stage Gaussian Filtering (Indian Patent No. 202321076182)" December 2023
16 Dr. Snehal Bhosale Published a Patent Titled "A MEDIA PLAYBACK SYSTEM FOR IOS DEVICES" December 2023
17 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Invited as the IET UK, Pune LN Executive Committee Member in Feb 2023 and 2024 2023-2024,2024-2025
18 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Member of Board of Studies (Dept. of E&TC’ of Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s (PCET’s) Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCoE), Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune (Maharashtra) 2023-2024
19 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Editorial Board: IETE Journal of Research, International Journal, Print ISSN: 0377-2063 Online ISSN: 0974-780X, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus (Q2), ABDC. 2023-2024,2024-2025
20 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Published Patent- Title of invention, Machine Learning Based Artificial Taste Perception Model for Tea Grading, Inventors Amruta Patil, Mrinal Bachute, Ketan Kotecha Publication date 2023/4/26 Patent office IN Application number 202321029971 2023-2024
21 Dr. Mrinal Bachute "Published Patent -Title of invention, Artificial Intelligence based Load Forecasting Models for Load Dispatch Centres in India Inventors Er. Deepak Kumar Sharma Dr.Saikat Gochhait Dr. D. P. Kothari, Dr. K. V. Arya , Dr. Pinku Ranjan, Dr. Anamika Yadav, Dr. Mrinal Bachute Publication date 2022/10/21 Patent office IN Application number 202221058676" 2022-2023
22 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Patent Granted-Title of invention, System and Method for Detection of Kidney Disorders Dr. Vinayak Bairagi; Dr. Sharad Tukaram Jadhav Dr. Mrinal Rahul Bachute Dr. Chandraprabha Manjare; Dr. Kaustubh Manikrao Gaikwad Application No 21 01 2023/05452, International classification 51 G01N 2023-2024
23 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Session Chair at 7th Smart City Symposiem, Barrain December 2023
24 Dr. Aditya Jain Published a Patent Titled "Anti-Theft Smart Suitcase With Add-On Facilities (Indian Patent No. 202321076167 A)" 2023-24
25 Dr. Aditya Jain "Published a Patent Titled ""AI And IoT Based Integrated Smart Waste Management System for Shopping Malls (Indian Patent No.202321076168 A)""" 2023-24
26 Dr. Mangal Singh Book Editor: AI-Based Metaheuristics for Information Security and Digital Media, CRC Press 2023-24
27 Dr. Mangal Singh Book Editor: Machine Learning and Optimization for Engineering Design, Springer 2023-24
28 Dr. Prabhat Thakur Published a Design Patent registration entitled "Real Time location tracking and Alert System" 23-24
29 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - A Solution for Parking Spaces Using Smart System Called “Ordo” (Indian Patent No. 202321019125 A) Apr-23
30 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - Quito tracker: A Mobile App based Portable eSIM integrated GPS for tracking things. (Indian Patent No. 202321019122 A) Apr-23
31 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - An Ai Based Compact System Called “Captom” for Classification and Prediction of Tomato Plant Disease. (Indian Patent No. 202321029968 A) May-23
32 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - Routing in wireless mesh networks using intelligent adaptive system. (Indian Patent No. 202321076181 A) Dec-23
33 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - A system for translation of speech and gestures into sign language. (Indian Patent No. 202321076178 A) Dec-23
34 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - An ingenious maximum power point tracker for a wind energy conversion system. (Indian Patent No. 202321076171 A ) Dec-23
35 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a titled “AI-Algorithms for Classification & Prediction of Tomato Plant Disease”Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing, London, UKISBN: 978-620-6-14593-6 Feb-23
36 Dr. Harikrishnan R Program Committee member for the “3rd International Conference on ICT in Business Industry Government (ICTBIG 2023)” held from 8th to 9th Dec 2023, at Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore, India. December 2023
37 Dr. Harikrishnan R Program Committee member for the “3rd International Conference on Data Science & Big Data Analytics (IDBA-ACMWIR 2023)” held on 16th - 17th June 2023 at Director, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore, India June 2023
38 Dr. Pritesh Shah Published a patent by invention name - ANTI-THEFT SMART SUITCASE WITH ADD-ON FACILITIES. (Indian Patent No. 202321076167 A ) Dec-23
39 Dr. Pritesh Shah Published a patent by invention name - AUTOMOBILE HORN INTENSITY MODULATION SYSTEM (AHIMS): AN ADVANCED HORN CONTROL MECHANISM (Indian Patent No. 202321076177 A ) Dec-23
40 Dr. Pritesh Shah Most Downloaded Paper Mechatronics Elsevier Journal Jan-23
41 Dr. Priti Shahane Published a patent by invention name - A Solution for Parking Spaces Using Smart System Called “Ordo” (Indian Patent No. 202321019125 A) Dec-23
42 Dr. Priti Shahane IEEE Conference Chair - ICDIDSA-23, GCITC 2023, GCAT 23 November 2023, December 2023
43 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Patent on Pandemic prevention automatic robot published May 2023
44 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Patent on Agricultural robot published May 2023
45 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Patent on Non-invasive visible light multispectral imaging technique published April 2023
46 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Incredible Female Inventor-2023 Award April 2023
47 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Best Paper Award May 2023
48 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar INUP Proposal Approved July 2023
49 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Book Edited, "Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence: Internet of Things" with Bentham Publication, Singapore January 2024
50 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Session Chair at 7th Smart City Symposium, Bahrain December 2023
51 Dr. Paresh Nasikkar "PI-SDG SIU UAEU funded project: Development of a low-cost solution for detection of structural defects and degradation of solar photovoltaic module" Start Feb 2024
52 Dr. Chandan Kumar Choubey Published a Design Patent registration entitled" Real Time location tracking and Alert System" 23-24
53 Dr. Chandan Kumar Choubey Resource Person at ATAL FDP 23-24
54 Dr. Chandan Kumar Choubey Session Chair at IEEE 3rd ASIANCON Conference 23-24
55 Shripad V Deshpande Session Chair at IEEE 7th ICCUBEA-2023 Conference 23-24
Sr. No. Faculty Name Achievements Month and Year
1 Dr. Rahee Walambe " Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) Research Grant (as PI) for a project entitled ‘A Multi-Model Neuro-Physiological Framework for Cognitive Behavioral Analysis’, Collaborator: CDAC Delhi and INMAS Lab, DRDO. Approved for funding of 199.04Lakhs" April 2022- March 2024
2 Dr. Rahee Walambe DST – IMFA Research Mobility Grant (as PI) for a Project entitled ‘Multimodal Explainability for Object Detection and Image Processing in Drone Imagery’, Collaborator: University of Milan, Italy. Approved for Funding of 12 Lacs April 2022- Mar 2025
3 Dr. Rahee Walambe Indo-Serbia Joint Research Grant (as CO-PI) for a project entitled ‘Development of real-time traffic control algorithms for unconventional intersection designs using artificial intelligence methods ‘. Collaborator: University of Kragujevac, Serbia and Terna Engineering College, India. Approved for Funding of 12.04 Lacs April 2022- Mar 2025
4 Dr. Mrinal Bachute IETE co-opted Member in Board of Research, Innovation and Standards (BoRIS) for the year 2022-23. 2022-2023
5 Dr. Mrinal Bachute Session Chair at 6th Smart City Symposiem, Barrain December 2022
6 Dr. Prabhat Thakur Senior Research Associate (Visiting Reseacher) at University of Johannesburg 22-23
7 Dr. Prabhat Thakur Published a patent "Remote Piloted Aerial System (RPAS) for Plant Performance and Growth Measurement system" 22-23
8 Dr. Harikrishnan R Published a patent by invention name - Knowledge Based Decision Making System for Optimizing Household Electricity Energy Bill (Indian Patent No.202321014493 A ) Mar-23
9 Dr. Harikrishnan R Resource person for Seven days virtual Faculty development program on “Contemporary Computing Technologies” organized by college of science and humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 21 st June to 27 th June, 2022. June 2022
10 Dr. Harikrishnan R Session Chair for the “First IEEE International Conference on Bio Neuro Informatics Models and Algorithms 2022 (IEEE ICBNA 2022)” jointly organized by Symbiosis Medical College for Women, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis Institute of Digital and Technology Management and Samara State Medical University Russia, Online (21 stand 22 nd June 2022). June 2022
11 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Patent on Automation based nutrient supply based automatic system Published August 2022
12 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar Patent Granted," Phase locked loop with multiple output using 45 nm CMOS Technology October 2022
13 Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar A2K Proposal grant of 2.6 Lacs of DSIR New Delhi May 2022
14 Dr.Ujwala Kshirsagar Session Chair at 6th Smart City Symposiem, Barrain December 2022
15 Dr. Harikrishnan R Special Session Chair for the “International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery in Concurrent Engineering (ICECONF-2023)” at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology-Chennai (5th and 7th January 2023). January 2023
Sr. No. Faculty Name Achievements Month and Year
1 Dr. Pritesh Shah Book Editied "Metaheuristic Algorithms in Industry 4.0" CRC Press Sep 2021
2 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad " Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad edited a book titled ""Machine Learning Methods for Signal, Image, and Speech Processing"" in the River Publishers Series in Signal, Image, and Speech Processing. This book was indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. (ISBN: 9788770223690 e-ISBN: 9788770223683)" 1-Dec-2021
3 Dr. Harikrishnan R Special Session Chair for the “IEEE sponsored 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI 2022)” at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering-Chennai (28 th and 29 th January 2022). January 2022
4 Dr. Prabhat Thakur Promising Young Researcher Award, NRF South Africa 21-22
5 Dr. Harikrishnan R Received grant of Rs 13,54,000from AICTE (MODROB-ASP) Modernization and removal of obsolescence aspirational for the Project: Upgradation and Modernization of resources in IoT for Embedded System Lab Jan-22
6 Dr. Harikrishnan R Keynote Speaker in the One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Integration of Renewable Energy with Smart Grid for Electric Vehicle” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Academy of Maritime Education and Training Deemed to be University, Chennai from 6 th– 11th December 2021. December 2021
7 Dr. Harikrishnan R Resource Person for Two-Week Skill Based Short Term Course on “MATLAB Programming” on the topics: Basic MATLAB Programming, Image Processing Toolbox of MATLAB and Deep Learning Toolbox of MATLAB organized by Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani from 15th-27th November, 2021 through virtual mode. November 2021
8 Dr. Harikrishnan R Expert speaker in 2 weeks online professional development program on Incorporating the impact of Engineering solutions on society, Conducted by University polytechnic, Integral university, Lucknow from November 15,2021 to November 29,2021. November 2021
9 Dr. Harikrishnan R Special Session Chair for the “IEEE sponsored 2021 International Conference on Innovative computing, Intelligent communication and Electrical Systems (ICSES 2021)” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology-Chennai (24 th and 25 th September 2021). September 2021
10 Dr. Harikrishnan R Member of the International Program Committee for 3rd IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century (21CW2021), held from July 22-25, 2021, at CEG Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India. July 2021
11 Dr. Harikrishnan R Resource person for the International Faculty Development Programme on “Modern Trends in Power Electronics and Their Applications” on the topic " IOT Applications to Electrical Engineering" organized by Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad from 28th June to 02nd July 2021. July 2021
12 Dr. Priti Shahane Academic Council Member (SIU) Dec-21
Sr. No. Faculty Name Achievements Month and Year
1 Dr. Pritesh Shah Best Paper "System Identification of Tool Chip Interface Friction while Machining CNT-Mg-Al Composites” “ICAAMM-2020” July 2020
2 Dr. Harikrishnan R PhD Thesis evaluation – Examiner for the Title, “Dynamic Power Management in Wireless Sensor Network through Efficient Routing Protocol", Manonmanium Sundarnar University, Tirunelveli. (March 2021). March 2021
3 Dr. Harikrishnan R Resource person for AICTE sponsored STTP on “Hands on training in Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Technique Applications for Additional lab Experiments and Mini, Major Projects for B.Tech Engineering Students (Phase – II)” , on the topic “AI techniques for electrical engineering problems”organized by Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad on 11th December 2020. December 2020
4 Dr. Harikrishnan R Resource person for AICTE sponsored STTP on “Hands on training in Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Technique Applications for Additional lab Experiments and Mini, Major Projects for B.Tech Engineering Students (Phase – I)” organized by Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad on 6 November 2020. November 2020
5 Dr. Harikrishnan R Resource person for the webinar on “Applications of IOT in Electrical Engineering” for II- & III-Year students of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad on 30th September ,2020. September 2020
6 Dr. Harikrishnan R PhD Thesis evaluation – Examiner for the Title, “Effective Eyeball Localization and Angular Movement Through Grid Point Direction Detection for Cerebral Eye”, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Deemed University, Chennai (September 2020). September 2020
7 Dr. Harikrishnan R Special Session Chair for the “5 th International Conference on Big Data and IoT (ICRTBI - 2020)” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology-Chennai (23 rd and 24 th July 2020). July 2020
8 Dr. Priti Shahane Received AICTE-INAE Distinguished Visiting Professorship Grant (Dr. Satyanarayana B., Scientific Officer (H), TIFR) March 2021
9 Dr. Rahee Walambe ASME DUO Professor Fellowship Award 2020 on Responsible AI and Robotics with Brunel University, UK, approved for funding of 4.79Lakhs [ Award of Euro 3000] November 2019- November 2020
10 Dr. Rahee Walambe "MHRD SPARC Grant (as PI) for a project entitled ‘Development of Explainable AI Techniques for Complex Disease Diagnosis using Genomics Data’, Collaborator: The University of Queensland, Australia, Approved for funding of 84.6Lakhs " March 2019-Sept 2023
11 Dr. Rahee Walambe SIU Minor Project grant (as CO-PI) for a project entitled ‘Multi-Sensor Fusion Techniques for Landmine Detection, approved for funding of 1.5Lakhs September 2018-March 2020
Visit to Bajaj
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Visit to Raptech Automative
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Visit to Flash
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Visit to Auto cluster Exhibition
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Visit to Philips
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Visit to Wipro Pari
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Civil Department Highlights
MoUs are signed with the following Companies
Civil Department Highlights
MoU talks with Synergy Mobility solutions for EV
Civil Department Highlights
MoU with Absolute foods agritech Company
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MoU with Vistaar
Civil Department Highlights
Team E&TC at Philips
Civil Department Highlights

Professional societies/chapters and organizing engineering events

About Student Branch (STB13901)
Symbiosis Institute of Technology IEEE Student branch (STB13901) was established in 2013 with the aim of inculcating the requisite knowledge to our students to catch up with their peers across the global community. The branch ensures this by organizing quality workshops on contemporary topics and events to sharpen cognition among participants and organizers. This professional body helps our learners to explore various aspects of the interdisciplinary engineering domain and even increases the scope of their knowledge.

IEEE Best Student Branch Award

Activities Organized by IEEE Student Chapter

Sr. No Event Organized Details : Resource Person & Photographs
1 AI Project Exhibition The exhibition was graced by the presence of esteemed industry guests Mr. Manoj Apte, Global Head - Learning & Development, Persistent University. Persistent Systems., Mr.Yogesh Kulkarni, AI Coach and Senior Data Scientist, Mr. Abhishek Jain, General Manager, Atlas Copco, Mr. Peeyush Singhal,Expert Data Scientist at TomTom India Pvt. Limited., Mr. Anil Rahate,Senior Consulting Manager, Wipro Ltd. And Mr. Akshay Kendurkar, Co-Founder,kAItchens.
2 Visible Light Communication: Beyond 5G Dr. Manas R Biswal , Designation: Research engineer in SRC Co. LTD, South Korea
3 Everything about Entrepreneurship Mr Jai Shankar Tarun, Co-Founder & Executive Director BizM Consulting
4 Industry Expert Hands-on session on Control System Design Dr. Pranav Lad, MathWorks
5 Future Communication Era Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Post Doctoral Fellow at Centrale Supelec Paris University
6 Women's Day Celebrations at SIT
7 IEEE STB13901 Quiz
8 The IOT Technology Chain: Basics, Applications and Opportunities Dr. Anandarup Mukherjee Designation: Post-doctoral research associate at Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK
9 Astronomy and beyond with NASA Dr. Ritesh Ghosh is a Post Doctoral Research Associate at NASA, GSFC
10 Webinar on Sequence Models: Introduction and Applications Dr. Rahee Walambe, Director of AI ML, Avegen, Pune
11 Serverless Computing Opportunities and Challenges Dr. Rajanikanth Aluvala, Professor from CBIT, Hyderabad
12 FLAT Electronics Dr. Bharath Kumar Maredi KU Leuven and Inter-University Micro Electronics centre, Belgium
13 Career as Devops Engineer and Cloud Architect Mr.Shubham Londhe Devops Engineer - Vamster, UK
14 Embedded System Design Dr. Sawal Hamid Md Ali, Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) , Malaysia
15 Education 4.0- ICT AND EMERGING TRENDS Day 2 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad, Dr. Rajashree Jain, Symbiosis International University
16 Education 4.0- ICT AND EMERGING TRENDS Day 1 Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad, Dr. Rajashree Jain, Symbiosis International University
17 Industry Expert Lecture on Cloud Robotics “ A synergy between Robotics and Cloud Computing _ Educational Week 2022 Dr. S Rakesh Kumar, Technical Manager Robotics Engineering Research and Development Services ERS HCL Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India
18 Industry Expert Lecture on Cloud-based Human Capital Management Educational Week 2022 Ms Saritha, SuccessFactors Managing Consultant, Ernst & Young in Advisory Practice, Bangalore, India
19 Quiz Content: "QUIZOHOLIC"
20 Special Lecture on Women in Engineering: Challenges & Opportunities Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad, Dr. Rajashree Jain, Symbiosis International University
21 STB13901 organized Coding Contest: "SIT-CODE-A-THON" Dr. Kantipudi MVV Prasad, Dr. Rajashree Jain, Symbiosis International University
22 Industry Expert Lecture on Blockchain and Web 3.O Mr. S. Phanindra Reddy, a Data Engineering Analyst, Accenture AI, Hyderabad, India
23 Industry Expert Lecture on Career in Salesforce Mr. Harsha Rapuru, an Associate Success Agent-Salesforce, Hyderabad
24 Industry Expert Lecture on Career in Cloud Computing Mr. Akash Rao Mallareddy, Cloud Engineering Analyst at Searce, Mumbai
25 International Expert Lecture on Internet of things Dr. Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Sr Lecturer , Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

Objectives of NGCC

  • Exposure to Advance Technical Knowledge related to 5G/6G.
  • Foster Collaboration with related industries and organizations.
  • Promote Research and Innovation.
  • Build a Strong Professional Network.
  • Stay Updated with Industry Trends.
  • Support Career Development opportunities.
  • Organize Technical Events in the relative domain.
Ham radio workshop
The Next Generation Communication Club (NGCC) successfully organized an enriching Ham Radio Workshop, providing students with a comprehensive introduction to amateur radio communication.
The session was structured into theoretical and practical segments, covering call signs, regulations, and emergency applications. Participants gained hands-on experience in transmitting signals using walkie-talkies and setting up a ham radio station. The workshop highlighted the importance of licensing, responsible usage, and maintaining transmission logs. Real-world applications, such as ham radio’s role in disaster communication, were demonstrated through engaging activities. A key takeaway was the significance of ham radio in emergency preparedness and survival scenarios. Students explored the components of a functional radio setup, including antennas and power sources. The interactive approach made learning both engaging and practical, fostering interest in amateur radio among attendees. The event was a resounding success, leaving students inspired and equipped with essential communication skills.
2. Signal seekers event
The Next Generation Communication Club (NGCC) successfully organized Signal Seekers, an interactive and innovative event aimed at introducing students to communication and sensing technologies through a series of engaging challenges. By integrating technical knowledge with practical activities, the event provided participants with a hands-on learning experience in signal transmission and sensor-based communication. Participants gained valuable insights through experiential learning with Morse code and walkie-talkies, making the event both educational and engaging.

The Electronic Design Club was inaugurated on 15th April, 2023 at Seminar Hall,3rd Floor, SIT Pune
Glimpses of the inaugural ceremony

Guest of Honour industry experts
The guest of honour for the event were Mr Gaurav Bhojane, Sr Principal Design Engineer, Mr Mohit Bharadwaj, Sr Engineer Manager & Ms Sanjeevni, Principle Design Engineer from Cadence Design Systems, Pune, and Ms Shruti Dixit, Engineer Manager, Intel, Bengaluru, industry experts in electronic design fortune companies. Experts delivered an inspiring keynote speech, sharing their experiences and insights into the field of electronics design. They highlighted the significance of electronic design and automation in the development of modern technologies and encouraged students to take up electronics as a career.

The Deputy Director Academics- Dr. Arundhati Warke congratulated the club's executive committee and emphasized the importance of electronics design and automation in today's world.

Executive Committee
Event Guests, Faculties, Members, Attendees

Our distinguished faculty comprises leading experts and industry professionals who possess extensive experience in CMOS design. Their expertise will provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge in this rapidly evolving field.

Simulation Analysis and Design of CMOS Integrated Circuits by usingCadence Tool.
Date:07/10/2023 to 04/11/2023 (Every Saturday).
This value-added course on digital design and Cadence design tools takes students on a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of digital integrated circuit design. Starting with an overview of the digital design flow and an introduction to Cadence design suites, students progress to understanding the entire process from RTL to GDS-II. The course also involves hands-on experience, enabling students to design practical circuits and calculate their performance, ensuring they are well-equipped for real-world applications in digital integrated circuit design.

India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) meeting with Department of Electronics & Telecommunications, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune on topic of opportunity in semiconductor. It was really a pleasure meeting with VP IESA Anurag Awasthi and Niranjan sir from Seagate Pune on 24th August 2023.

Hands on session on Electric Vehicles
Service learning at IDEA Foundation , Pune
Jeevitnadi Living River Foundation
Service Learning at Vidya Vikas Mandir School, Andgaon
Lunch Distribution
Vidya Vikas Mandir School, Andgaon
Helping Students in English Pronunciation
English Lecture : Formal and Informal Letter Format
Crossword Activity Boys vs Girls
English Lecture : Reading Practice
Playing With Students
Mathematics Lecture
Mathematics Lecture
Last Day at School
Students Answering During Lecture
IT Lecture : Teaching Basics of Computers and Laptops
English Lecture : Lesson Teaching and Explanation
Geography Lecture
Mathematics Lecture
Interaction With Students
Students Practicing on MS Paint and Paint 3D
Ananda Sangha Social Service
Service at the Village (2018-22) – Divine Basic Needs Charitable Trust
Service Learning done at Ela foundation (2020-24)
Service Learning for a Government Project on Dengue Malaria
Service Learning for a Government Project on Dengue Malaria
Service Learning Project at ISKCON
Tinker Lab Hands on session on Electric Vehicles by EV Expert Prof. Parvez Patel
The third year B.Tech students at the Department of Electronics and Tele-Communication SIT at Symbiosis Institute Of Technology Pune visited Esbee Electrotech LLP (ESBEE).
Civil Department Highlights
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Civil Department Highlights
Glimpses of the industry visit of the Second year E&TC students (Batch 22-26) to Raptech Engineering Private Limited. In this visit students understood how robots make welding, programming of robots for the same, Laser cutting , and Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) concept.
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Visit to Bajaj
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Civil Department Highlights
Visit to Raptech Automative
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Visit to Flash
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Civil Department Highlights
Visit to Auto cluster Exhibition
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Civil Department Highlights
Visit to Philips
Civil Department Highlights
Visit to Wipro Pari
Civil Department Highlights
The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication SIT at Symbiosis Institute Of Technology Pune, arranged a session on resume writing for 2021-25 (Final year students) batch. They were guided by Mr. Raghunandan Sahu working with Siemens. Students got good insights on resume building and how to crack the interview.
Civil Department Highlights

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication SIT is delighted to share learning at Amateur / Ham Radio workshop for the second year E&TC students.(BATCH 22-26). During this workshop students did hands-on experience of ham radio demonstration and installing an antenna.
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights
Civil Department Highlights

Hands on Workshop on “IoT Fundamentals” conducted by Mr. Abhijeet Deogirikar, founder, Coppercloud Pvt. Ltd.
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Hands on Workshops “Development of AI-Enabled IoT Applications” conducted by Prof. Shripad Deshpande
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Hands on session on Electric Vehicles conducted by Mr. Parvez Patel, CEO. EZEE Motor Corp., Pune.
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Work Shop on PCB and Soldering by Dr. Paresh Nasikkar
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Civil Department Highlights