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Funded Research Projects/Consultancy

Sr. No. Name of the
Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of
the Funding
Type (Government
Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1 Development of new nanostructured thermoelectric materials for waste heat recovery applications. Dr. Shekhar Bhame DST-SERB Government 2014-2018 14.5 3 Years
2 Effect of preparation conditions on nanoparticle formation and oxygen stoichiometry of metal oxides Dr. Neeru Bhagat UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2015-2016 2.63 12 Months
3 DST-NIMAT PROJECT 2016-17 Prof Ismail Akbani Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India ( EDI), Gandhinagar. Government 2016-2017 0.2 12 Months
4 Effect of preparation conditions on nanoparticle formation and oxygen stoichiometry of metal oxides Dr. Neeru Bhagat UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2016-2017 2.63 12 Months
5 In-situ Investiagation of the interface structure and spin orientation at the interface of magnetic and non magnetic layers. Dr. Brajesh Pandey UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2016-2017 2.63 12 Months
6 Development of new nanostructured thermoelectric materials for waste heat recovery applications. Dr. Shekhar Bhame Department of Science and Technology - Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB) Government 2016-2017 5 24 Months
7 Developing three-dimensional architecturally engineered nano-electrocatalyst for fuel cell applications Dr. Rupali Nagar Science and Engineering Research Board- DST -SERB Government 2016-2017 39.11 36 Months
8 Design and manufacturing of movable multipurpose chamber for a specific work station. Dr. Sanjay Darvekar DDG- National Institute for Research and Development in Defece shiipbuilding-IWCEM Government 2017-2018 0.21 1 Month
9 Design and manufacturing of movable multipurpose chamber for a specific work station. Dr. Sanjay Darvekar DDG- National Institute for Research and Development in Defece shiipbuilding-IWCEM Government 2017-2018 0.22 1 Month
10 DST-NIMAT PROJECT 2017-18 Prof Ismail Akbani Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India ( EDI), Gandhinagar. Government 2017-2018 1 12 Months
11 In-situ Investiagation of the interface structure and spin orientation at the interface of magnetic and non magnetic layers. Dr.Brajesh Pandey UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2017-2018 2.63 12 Months
12 Effect of preparation conditions on nanoparticle formation and oxygen stoichiometry of metal oxides Dr.Neeru Bhagat UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2017-2018 4.35 12 Months
13 Comparison and evaluation of engine emission including nano particle emission, performance, noise and wear of diesel and Elegi/Jatropha/Karanja biodiesel usng nano particle fuel additive in A 160 hp military transport vehicle turbo charged CIDI Engine Dr. Anand Pandey Life Sciences research Board, DRDO Government 2017-2018 16.24 24 Months
14 Development of High Order Accurate Numerical Scheme for Steady/Unsteady Incompressible Flow involving Stationary/Moving Boundaries over Unstructured Mesh Dr. Chandrakant Sonawane Department of Science and Technology - Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB) Government 2017-2018 18.02 36 Months
15 Advanced Network Analysis of the Structural Connectome of Human Brain Dr.Madhura Ingalhalikar Science and Engineering Research Board- DST -SERB Government 2017-2018 25.89 36 Months
16 Development of Automated Multipurpose Processing Chamber-Nirdesh Project. Dr. Anirban Sur Nirdesh (Osnar Paints & Contracts Pvt. Ltd) Government 2018-2019 0.24 1 Month
17 In-situ Investiagation of the interface structure and spin orientation at the interface of magnetic and non magnetic layers. Dr. Brajesh Pandey UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2018-2019 2.63 12 Months
18 Developing three-dimensional architecturally engineered nano-electrocatalyst for fuel cell applications Dr. Rupali Nagar Science and Engineering Research Board- DST -SERB Government 2018-2019 3.7 24 Months
19 Effect of preparation conditions on nanoparticle formation and oxygen stoichiometry of metal oxides Dr. Neeru Bhagat UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2018-2019 5.52 12 Months
20 Metal Matrix nano-composites synthesized using nanosilica extracted from natural ceramic Rice husk ash for industrial applications Dr. Meena Laad UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2018-2019 8.6 36 Months
21 Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Earth Microsoft Azure Grant Dr.Himanshu Agarwal Microsoft Non- Government - International 2018-2019 3.5 12 Months
22 Microsoft Azure Research Project Dr.Preeti Mulay Microsoft Non- Government - International 2018-2019 1.4 12 Months
23 Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Earth Microsoft Azure Grant Dr.Preeti Mulay Microsoft Non- Government - International 2018-2019 3.5 12 Months
24 Leap Grant of MHRD Dr Ketan Kotecha Government 2019-20 10.00 12 Months
25 Potential and validation of sustainable natural & advance technologies for water & wastewater treatment, monitoring and safe water reuse in India. Dr. Kanchan Khare Department of Science and Technology (DST) Government 2019-2020 79.04 48 Months
26 Development of Explainable AI Techniques for Complex Disease Diagnosis using Genomics Data Dr. Rahee Walimbe SPARC MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development -Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) Government 2019-2020 61.91 24 Months
27 Development of Algorithms for Credibility Analysis of Information(CAI) Dr. Ketan Kotecha SPARC MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development -Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) Government 2019-2020 61.91 24 Months
28 Multy-modality neuroimage analysis for brain pathologies Indian PI: Dr. Madhura Ingalhalikar International PI: Prof. Ragini Verma,Indian CO-PI: Dr. Jitender Saini Internationa Co-PI: Prof.Ruben Gur SPARC MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development -Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) Government 2019-2020 60.98 24 Months
29 Investigating the effects of age of onset on the structural connectome in essential tremor through High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI PI: Dr. Madhura Ingalhalikar
Dr. Jitender Saini,CO-PI: Dr. Pramod Kumar Pal
Ministry of Science &Technology, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Government 2019-2020 23.66 36 Months
30 In-situ Investiagation of the interface structure and spin orientation at the interface of magnetic and non magnetic layers. Dr. Brajesh Pandey UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) Government 2019-2020 2.63 12 Months
31 Design, development and analysis of hollow micro-lattice compact heat exchanger (Heat pipe) for space/aircraft applications Dr. Meena Laad ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme Government 2019-2020 2.5 2 Months
32 Algorithms towards development of responsible AI Dr. Ketan Kotecha ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme Government 2019-2020 2.5 2 Months
33 Developing Ethical AI models for Robotics and Multiagent Systems Dr. Rahee Walimbe ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme Government 2019-2020 2.5 2 Months
34 Computational Fluid Dynmics Dr.Chandrakant Sonawane AICTE-All India Council for Technical,Education Government 2020-2021 0.93 1 Month
35 Advancement in 3D Printing and Its Future Scope Dr.Nitin Khedkar AICTE-All India Council for Technical,Education Government 2020-2021 0.93 1 Month
36 In-situ investigation of the interface structure and spin orientation at the interface of magnetic and non-magnetic layers Dr.Brajesh Pandey UGC DAE Consortium for Scientific Research Government 2020-2021 2.00 12 Months
37 Study of structural and mechanical properties of the metal matrix nano-composites synthesied using nanosilica extracted from natural ceramic rice husk ash for industrial applications Dr.Meena Laad UGC DAE Consortium for Scientific Research Government 2020-2021 2.05 12 Months
38 Industry – Inspired Transnational Education in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Dr.Ketan Kotecha Aston University Non- Government - International 2021-2022 3.78 7 Months
39 Experimental Analysis of solar collector and Tharmal storage for smart portable milk pasteurization system Dr. Anibun Sur ISHRAE-Pune Chapter Non - Government 2021-2022 0.50 12 Months
40 MODROB Scheme Dr.Ramaswamy Harikrishnan All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Government 2021-2022 13.54 12 Months
41 MODROB - ASP Scheme Dr. Arunkumar Bongale All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Government 2021-2022 16.99 24 Months
42 A Multi Modal Neuro - Psysiological Framework for Cognitive Behavioural Analysis " by C-DAC Dr. Ketan Kotecha Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology (MeitY) - Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC) Government 2021-2022 199.60 12 Months
43 Study Tour of Atal Tunnel under the AICTE Youth Undertaking Visit for Acquiring Knowledge (Yuvak) Scheme Dr. Ketan Kotecha All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Government 2021-2022 2.00 24 Months
44 Indo - Italy Project Multimodal Explainability for Object Detection and Image Processing in Drone Imagery Dr. Rahee Walambe Department of Science & Technology - Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Government 2022-2023 12.00 36 Months
45 International Conference on Recent & Future Trends in Smart Electronic Systems & Manufacturing Dr.Ujjwala Kshirsagar Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) Government 2022-2023 2.60 3 Days
46 Mission Amrit Sarovar - Jal Dharohar Sanrakshan Intership Dr.Rishikesh Kulkarni All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Government 2022-2023 2.00 2 Months
47 Synthesis and Characterization of Superhydrophobic Polymer Nanocoating for Flexible Electronics Applications Dr. Meena Laad UGC CSR Government 2022-2023 0.90 12 Months
48 A portable renewable and thermal energy storage couple powered low running cost cold storage solution for farmer Dr. Anirban Sur
Dr. Anindita Roy
Mr. Rushikeh Jagannath Boche
ISHRAE Non - Government 2022-2023 1.00 12 Months
49 Development of Lightweight Lattice heat exchanger and phase change material- based external cooling battery thermal management system for 4 wheeler Dr. Anirban Sur
Dr. Anindita Roy
Mr. Rushikeh Jagannath Boche
Dassualt System Foundation Non - Government 2022-2023 5.20 12 Months
50 Grant received under AICTE-Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES) Dr. Neha Divekar/Dr Meena Laad AICTE Spices Government 2022-2023 1 12 Months
51 Development of Lightweight Lactic heat exchanger and phase change material based cooling battery thermal management system for 4 wheeler Dr.Anirbun Sur Dassault Systems Foundation Non - Government 2023-2024 5.20 12 Months
52 Design development and study of lightweight headgear (helmet) using the micro-lattice structure and fibre-based composite materials for safety application Indian PI : Dr. Anirban Sur (Symbiosis International)
Indian Co-PI(s) : Dr. Meena Sadashiv Laad (Symbiosis International)
International PI : Dr. Girish Madhav Kale (UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS)
International Co-PI(s) : Dr. Yury - Rajoumny (RUDN UNIVERSITY)
SPARC MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development -Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) Government 2023-2024 37.19 24 Months
53 Course Development on - Applied Green Hydrogen Systems - Modelling and Plant Engineering. Dr. Anandita Roy Dassault Systemes Foundation Non - Government 2023-2024 9.20 12 Months
54 Framework for Explainable Computer Vision Tasks for Drone Imagery Dr. Rahee Walambe Dassault Systemes Foundation Non - Government 2023-2024 10.20 12 Months
55 Digitisation and Segregation of Radiography Flims of Solid Rocket Motors with Flaws Dr.Ketan Kotecha
Dr. Anand Pandey
Dr. Chandrakant Sonawane
Dr. Nitin Khedkar
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) Government 2023-2024 9.60 24 Months
56 Multi-criteria Decision Analysis for prediction of Composite Propellent Properties Dr. Nitin Khedkar
Dr. Anand Pandey
Dr. Chandrakant Sonawane
Dr.Ketan Kotecha
Dr.Vijay Jatti
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) Government 2023-2024 9.84 24 Months
57 Financial Assistance for participating in"49th Annual Conference of the IEEE IndustrialElectronics Society (IES) : IECON-2023 , Singapore (16 October, 2023 to 19 October, 2023)" Dr. Harsh Dhiman Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Government 2023-2024 0.28 4 Days
58 Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) Dr. Ketan Kotecha, PI
Dr. Ruchika Kaul Ghanekar, Co-PI
Dr. Manikprabhu Dhanorkar, Co-PI
Dr. Satish Kumar, Co-PI
Dr. Atul Kulkarni, Co-PI
Dr. Yogesh Patil, Co-PI
Dr. Venkateswarlu Gonuguntla, Co-PI
Dr. Pooja Singh, CO-PI
Dr. Deepali R Vora, Co-PI
Dr. Shruti Patil, Co-PI
Dr. Kailash Shaw, Co-PI
Dr. Sunil Saroj, Co-PI
Dr. Anjali Kher, Co-PI
Mrs. Prachitee Borkar, Co-PI
Dr. Om Prakash, Co-PI
Department Of Science & Technology (DST) Government 2023-2024 513.69 48 Months
59 "Industry - Inspired Transnational Education in Artificial Intellengence / Machine Learning (GBP 4626)" Dr. Ketan Kotecha Aston University Non- Government - International 2023-2024 4.69 12 Months
60 Indo -Serbia Grant Dr Ketan Kotecha University of Kragujavec Government 2022-25 12.40 36 Months
61 Indo Shastri Grant Dr Ketan Kotecha Government 2023-24 1.05 12 Months

Consultancy Details

Sr. No. Name of Principal Investigator Faculty Institute Year Perticulars Title of the project Current Status Grant sanctioned Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Dr. Nitin Khedkar Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology 2018-19 MJRP Design and Development of Aerosol Generator for Biomedical Application Completed 975,000.00 9.75
2 Anirban Sur Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2018-19 MJRP DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, AND ANALYSIS OF HOLLOW POLYMER BASED MICRO-LATTICE COMPACT HEAT EXCHANGER Completed 910,000.00 9.10
3 Sayali Sandbhor Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology 2018-19 MJRP Analysis of behavior of Bacterial Concrete in different mix designs Ongoing 968,800.00 9.69
4 Dr. Sumit Kumar Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2019-20 MJRP Design of a compact Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna (AVA) Array for 5G Applications Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
5 Dr. Anand Pandey
Dr. Manikprabhu Dhanorkar
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2019-20 MJRP Develop combo catalytic converter to convert diesel fuelled vehicle exhaust (waste) to oxygen gas to reduce global warming and metropolitan city’s smog in winter session. Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
6 Dr. Shekhar Bhame
Dr. Dipika Jaspal
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2019-20 MJRP Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Oxide based Photocatalyst for Dye Removal Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
7 Dr. Shraddha Phansalkar
Transfer to Dr. Prachi Kadam
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2019-20 MJRP Building and Leveraging Indian Food image data set for Calorie Calibration of Indian dietary pattern: Annapurna Ongoing 900,000.00 9.00
8 Dr. Priyanka Tupe Waghmare
Dr. Madhura Ingalhalikar
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2019-20 MJRP Identifying Neural Substrates of Iron Deficiency in Young Children using Advanced MRI Techniques. Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
9 Prof. Vijayshri Khedkar
Mr. Kunal Shejual
Mr. Kiran Wani
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of technology 2019-20 MJRP Machine Learning Based Vibration Response Analysis of Different Plats using Cymatics Ongoing 997,000.00 9.97
10 Dr. Satish Kumar
Dr. Shruti Patil
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Lavale,Pune. 2020-21 MJRP Inferring quality and fault localization of 3D printer products by using Digital twin. Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
11 Dr. Brajesh Pandey Left Symbiosis Project Transfer Co.P.I
Dr. Neeru Bhagat
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Lavale, Pune. 2021-22 MJRP Synthesis of magnetic-nonmagnetic layers and investigation of their spin properties for possible memory devices Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
12 Dr. Meena Laad Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Lavale, Pune. 2021-22 MJRP Fabrication of Superhydrophobic flexible coatings by spray coating multi walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in polymer matrix for flexible electronics applications Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
13 Dr. Shruti Patil
Dr. Shilpa Gite
Mrs. Pooja V. Kamat
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Lavale, Pune. 2021-22 MJRP Development of Attention Span Estimation and Monitoring System in Education 4.0 Era using Artificial Intelligence Ongoing 1,000,000.00 10.00
14 Dr. Deepali R Vora
Dr. Nilima Zade
Dr. Shruti Patil
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune 2022-23 MJRP Detection and Mass Screening of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) using a sensor-based sleep mask and machine learning algorithms Ongoing 759,990.00 7.60
15 Dr. Anindita Roy
Dr. Anirban Sur
Dr. Harsh S. Dhiman
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune 2022-23 MJRP Veg-Preserve: A portable, sustainable, smart micro-cold store solution for farmers and local vegetable vendors Ongoing 985,000.00 9.85
16 Dr. Vijaykumar S Jatti Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune 2022-23 MJRP Process Characterization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Based Additive Manufacturing of Gas Atomized Inconel 718 Alloy Powder Ongoing 927,910.00 9.28
Sr. No. Name of Principal Investigator Faculty Institute Sanctioned Year MRP Title of the project Current Status Grant sanctioned Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Dr. Tejinder Paul Singh Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2012-13 MRP Experimentation to test wear and friction resistance offered by die steels after performing EDM, using different electrodes and suspened metal powder in the electrolyte solution Completed 117,000.00 1.17
2 Ms. Nishtha Vijra Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2012-13 MRP Analysis of performance characteristics of concetric annual heat pipe Completed 150,000.00 1.5
3 Nilisha Itankar Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2013-14 MRP Biosorption of Toxic Hexavalent Chromium from Industrial Effluents using Low Cost Biomaterials Completed 150,000.00 1.5
4 Vijaykumar Jatti Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2013-14 MRP Electrical Discharge Machining of Monel Alloy, Shape Memory Alloy and Berllium Copper Alloy Completed 150,000.00 1.5
5 Dr. K. C. Khare Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2013-14 MRP Developing a model for the assessment and prediction ground water contamination: A case study Completed 150,000.00 1.5
6 Dr. Rupali Nagar Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2014-15 MRP Synthesis of Nanomaterials of Gas Sensing Applications Completed 150,000.00 1.5
7 Dr. Chandrakant R. Sonawane Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2016-17 MRP Mathematical Modeling and Experimental investigation on Flexible Heat Pipe for improved heat transfer characteristics Completed 150,000.00 1.5
8 Dr. Satish Kumar Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2016-18 MRP Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Single Point Cutting Tool Under Deep Cryogenic Treatment. Completed 150,000.00 1.5
9 Sachit T. S. Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2016-19 MRP “Experimental Investigation of hybrid nano composite prepared by powder metallurgy process for automotive application” Completed 150,000.00 1.5
10 Vinay Kumar Dhinkara Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2017-18 MRP Tribiological and mechanical investigation of hybrid reinforced polymer matrix composites Completed 150,000.00 1.5
11 Mugdha Kshirsagar Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2017-18 MRP Evaluation of Pollutant loadings in Storm Water runoff from a mixed urban catchment: A case study of Pune. Completed 150,000.00 1.5
12 Shahid Tamboli Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2017-18 MRP Experimental and numerical anlysis of cracked aluminium plate repaired with a composite patch. Completed 150,000.00 1.5
13 Parag Narkhede Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2017-18 MRP Development of multi-sensor Fusion Techonology for landmine detection Completed 150,000.00 1.5
14 Dr. Arunkumar Bongale Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT) 2018-19 MRP Tribological characterization of Al-Cu/B4C/Graphene hybrid metal matrix nano composites, fabricated by optimized powder metallurgy technique. Completed 95,000.00 0.95
15 Dr. Manikprabhu Dhanorkar
Dr. Chandrak Sonawane
Engineering Symbiosis Centre for Wast Resource Management 2019-20 MRP Solid-liquid separation of high suspended particulate matter containing effluent for recovery water and reuse Completed 150,000.00 1.5
16 Prof. Pooja V. Kamat
Dr. Satish Kumar
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT) 2020-21 MRP Artificial intelligence-based fault detection in bearings using vibration and sound sensor. Completed 150,000.00 1.5
17 Dr. Sharnil Pandya
Dr. Anirban Sur
Mr. Sarfaraj Shaikh
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Lavale Hill Base Campus, Pune 2021-22 MRP Design development and techno-economic (using ML) analysis of light weight 3d printed lattice base protective gear Ongoing 150,000.00 1.5
18 Dr. Pooja Singh
Dr. Manikprabhu Dhanorkar
Engineering Symbiosis Centre for Waste Resource Management, Lavale Hill Base Campus, Pune 2021-22 MRP Development of a biochar-based novel formulation for sustainable agricultural applications Ongoing 150,000.00 1.5
19 Prof. Priya Sachin Jadhav Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune. 2021-22 MRP Design on an automated system for controlled synthesis of coating development of the plasma arc oxidation process Ongoing 100,000.00 1
Sr. No. Name of Principal Investigator Faculty Institute Year Perticulars Title of the project Current Status Grant sanctioned Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Vaishnavi Dabir Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology 2017-18 SRP Assessing the hydraulic performance of a composite seawall for coastal protection Completed 150,000.00 1.5
2 Sayali Apte
Preeti Mishra
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology 2019-20 SRP Experimental Investigation on Impact of Electric Vehicle Battery Waste on Soil and Leachate Characteristics Completed 150,000.00 1.5
3 Rupali Nagar
Aditya Shinde
Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology 2019-20 SRP Graphene Nanosheets From plastic waste for water purification Completed 150,000.00 1.5


Sr. No. Name of the Project PI/CO-PI/Dept Organization Month / Date Duration Amount in INR (Lakhs)
1 Training and consultancy for MINDA Employees (MATLAB, SIMULINK) "Dr Mrinal Bachute
Dr Pritesh Shah"
SPARK MINDA 21st,26th,27th December 2018 3 Days 0.60
2 Training and consultancy for MINDA Employees (MATLAB, SIMULINK) Dr Mrinal Bachute SPARK MINDA 9th May to 1st June 2022 3 months 4.46
3 MoS C-Arm Components Failure Analysis Dr. Swati Ahirrao / Dr. Shilpa Gite Philips 21st Feb 2023 6 months 6.49
4 Training and Consultancy Dr. Ketan Kotecha / Dr. Rahee Walambe Meghnad Desai Academy of Economic 1st March 2023 6 months 0.60
5 Consultancy project on Depression Detection Dr. Rahee Walambe / Dr. Ketan Kotecha Avegen UK 1st March 2023 3 months 6.00
6 AI leadership workshop Dr. Rahee Walambe / Dr. Ketan Kotecha Dassault Systems 11th, 12th December 2023 2 days 1.50
7 Research Consultancy on internal problem statements Dr. Rahee Walambe / Dr. Ketan Kotecha Dassault Systems 12th Jan 2024 3 months 4.00
8 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Flash bottom India Pvt. LtdFlash bottom India Pvt. Ltd 3rd Oct 2023 Ongoing 0.37
9 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Nyati Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 23rd Oct 2023 Ongoing 0.07
10 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Nyati Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 3rd Feb 2023 8 Months 1.39
11 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Prerana Enterprises 17th May 2022 1 Month 0.02
12 TRTI Consultancy- MPSC Training Civil , Mechanical and ENTC Department Tribal Research and Training Institute 27th December 2021 8 Months 27.74
13 SIU Earthen Dam Soil Testing Consultancy Dr.Kanchan Khare/Civil Department SymbiosSymbiosis Project Department Jan 2015 1 year NA
14 Road Safety Audit Consultancy Dr. T.P Singh / Civil Department National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) 22nd April 2013 10 years 52.26
15 512 Army Base Workshop Mechanical Engineering Department Training program for Army Professionals Jun 2021 3 days 0.18
16 512 Army Base Workshop Mechanical Engineering Department Training program for Army Professionals Dec 2021 6 days 0.30
17 Training Program for girl diploma students Mechanical Engineering Department TATA Electronics, Skill Sonics June 2020 36 days 7.43
18 Training Program for girl diploma students Mechanical Engineering Department TATA Electronics, Skill Sonics October 2020 36 days 5.43
19 2000 Watt Smart cities certification of SIU campus Civil Department 2000 Watt Smart Cities Association,Switzerland 17-05-21 1 Year NA


Sr. No. Name of the Project PI/CO-PI/Dept Organization Month / Date Duration Amount in INR (Lakhs)
1 Training and consultancy for MINDA Employees (MATLAB, SIMULINK) "Dr Mrinal Bachute
Dr Pritesh Shah"
SPARK MINDA 21st,26th,27th December 2018 3 Days 0.60
2 Training and consultancy for MINDA Employees (MATLAB, SIMULINK) Dr Mrinal Bachute SPARK MINDA 9th May to 1st June 2022 3 months 4.46
3 MoS C-Arm Components Failure Analysis Dr. Swati Ahirrao / Dr. Shilpa Gite Philips 21st Feb 2023 6 months 6.49
4 Consultancy project on Depression Detection Dr. Rahee Walambe /Dr. Ketan Kotecha Avegen UK 1st March 2023 3 months 6.00
5 AI leadership workshop Dr. Rahee Walambe /Dr. Ketan Kotecha Dassault Systems 11th, 12th December 2023 2 days 1.50
6 Research Consultancy on internal problem statements Dr. Rahee Walambe /Dr. Ketan Kotecha Dassault Systems 12th Jan 2024 3 months 4.00
7 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Flash bottom India Pvt. LtdFlash bottom India Pvt. Ltd 3rd Oct 2023 Ongoing 0.37
8 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Nyati Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 23rd Oct 2023 Ongoing 0.07
9 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Nyati Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 3rd Feb 2023 8 Months 1.39
10 Consultancy in Concrete Lab Dr Sanjay Kulkarni/ Civil Department Prerana Enterprises 17th May 2022 1 Month 0.02
11 TRTI Consultancy- MPSC Training Civil , Mechanical and ENTC Department Tribal Research and Training Institute 27th December 2021 8 Months 48.60
12 SIU Earthen Dam Soil Testing Consultancy Dr.Kanchan Khare/Civil Department SymbiosSymbiosis Project Department Jan 2015 1 year 0.00
13 Road Safety Audit Consultancy Dr. T.P Singh / Civil Department National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) 22nd April 2013 10 years 52.26
14 512 Army Base Workshop Mechanical Engineering Department Training program for Army Professionals Jun 2021 3 days 0.18
15 512 Army Base Workshop Mechanical Engineering Department Training program for Army Professionals Dec 2021 6 days 0.30
16 Training Program for girl diploma students Mechanical Engineering Department TATA Electronics, Skill Sonics June 2020 36 days 7.43
17 Training Program for girl diploma students Mechanical Engineering Department TATA Electronics, Skill Sonics October 2020 36 days 5.43
18 Blockchain based E-voting system Dr. Sonali Kothari BlockTech Jan 2023 to Dec 2023 1 year Nil
19 HeyChem: Webassistance for identifying chemical words using speech synthesis Dr. Sonali Kothari
Dr. Shwetambari
National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune Jan 2023 1 year Nil
20 CancDora: Web assistance for identifying cancer related locution using speech synthesis Prof. Vijayshri Khedkar,
Dr. Pooja Bagne
National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune Jan 2023 1 year Nil
21 "CancerXAI: An Explainable AI assisted web application in Healthcare" "Dr. Sonali Kothari,
Dr. Rutuja Kadam"
National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune Jan 2023 1 year Nil
22 Design and Development of Ecommerce Website Dr. Nilima Zade, RHIM Infotech Feb 2023 to May 2023 4 months Nil
23 &1.Agriculture Automation Provider in Amravati Division
2.PIBM college
3.TEDP incubation center
Dr. Sonali Kothari, Prof. Vijayshri Khedkar, Omdatta Agrotech, Washim May 22-April 23 11 Months Nil
24 Data Science Insurance Project Dr. Pooja Bagane Mind IT Services January 2019- October 2022 4 years Nil
25 "Design of a text mining system for identification of chemicals associated with Ovarian Cancer" Dr. Sonali Kothari National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune July 21-Dec 21 5 months Nil
26 "Named Entity Recognition of chemicals from medical research publications associated with Ovarian Cancer" Prof. Vijayshri Khedkar National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune July 21-Dec 21 5 months Nil
27 "Development of a text mining application to analyze medical records for identification of chemicals prescribed for Leukemia." Dr. Sonali Kothari National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune July 21-Dec 21 5 months Nil
28 "Natural Language Processing of medical records for early detection of chemicals associated with Leukemia" Prof. Vijayshri Khedkar National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune July 21-Dec 21 5 months Nil
29 1)Agriculture Automation Provider in Amravati Division
2) PIBM college
3) TEDP incubation center
Dr. Sonali Kothari, Prof. Vijayshri Khedkar Omdatta Agrotech, Washim March 21-April 22 1 year Nil
30 Data Science Insurance Project Dr. Pooja Bagane Mind IT Services January 2019- October 2022 4 years Nil

External Project

Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs) Duration
1 Commonwealth split site Scholarship Ms. Shalaka Hire, Dr. Sayali Sandbhor British Council, UK Government 2021-2024 40
2 Experimental Analysis of Solar Collector and Thermal Storage for Smart Portable Milk Pasteurization system Dr. Anirban Sur ISHRAE (Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers) Non-Government 2021 0.5
3 Design development of concentric solar collector for milk chillier. Dr. Anirban Sur ISHRAE (Indian Society for Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Engineers) Government 2021 0.5 Completed
4 Project on: Tribal Training- MPSC Engineering Services ------------------ MPSC Government 2021 10.43 Completed


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
4 Inferring quality and fault localization of 3D printer products by using Digital twin Dr. Satish Kumar , Shruti Patil (Co-PI) SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2021 10


Sr.No Consultancy Details Organization Start Date Duration Amount in INR [Lakhs]
1 Training program for army professionals 512 Army base workshop June 2021 3 Days 18,000
2 Training program for army professionals 512 Army base workshop Dec 2021 6 Days 21,000
3 Technical & Soft Skills Training for Tata Electronics Employees through Skillsonics TATA 01/11/2021 2 Months 15
4 2000 Watt Smart cities certification of SIU campus 2000 Watt Smart Cities Association,Switzerland 17/05/2021 1 Year Nil

Research Project

Sr. No. Name of the project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Year of Award Fund provided (INR in LAKH) Duration
1 Machine Learning based vibration response analysis of different plates using cynatics Dr. Nitin Khedkar Internal funding by SIU 2020 9.97 Completed
2 Design development and Techno-economic analysis of lightweight 3D printed lattice base protective headgear Dr. Anirban Sur and Mr. Sarfaraj Shaikh Internal funding by SIU 2020 1.50 Completed
3 Solid-liquid separation of high suspended particulate matter containing effluent for recovery water and reuse Dr. Chandrakant Sonawane Internal funding by SIU 2020 1.50 Completed
4 Inferring quality and fault localization of 3D Printer product using Digital Twin Dr. Satish Kumar Internal funding by SIU 2020 10.00 Completed

External Project

Sr. No. Name of the project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Fund provided (INR in LAKH) Current Status
1 Comparison and evaluation of engine emissions including nano particle emission, performance, noise and wear of diesel and algae/jatropha/karanja biodiesel using nano particle fuel additive in a 160 HP vehicle turbo charged CIDI Engine Dr. Anand Kumar Pandey Life Sciences Research Board, DRDO Government 2020 16.24 Completed


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
5 Develop combo catalytic converter to convert diesel fuelled vehicle exhaust (waste) to oxygen gas to reduce global warming and metropolitan city’s smog in winter session. Dr. Anand Pandey SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 10
6 Building and Leveraging Indian Food image data set for Calorie Calibration of Indian dietary pattern: Annapurna Dr. Shraddha Phansalkar (PI) Prachi Kadam (Co-PI) SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 9
7 Machine Learning Based Vibration Response Analysis of Different Plats using Cymatics Vijayashri Khedkar (PI) , Kunal Shejul (Co-PI) SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 10
8 Design of a compact Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna (AVA) Array for 5G Applications Dr. sumit kumar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 10
9 Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Oxide based Photocatalyst for Dye Removal Dr. Shekhar Bhame, Dipika Jaspal (Co-PI) SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 10
10 Identifying Neural Substrates of Iron Deficiency in Young Children using Advanced MRI Techniques. Priyanka Tupe SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 10


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Experimental investigation of electric vehicle battery waste on soil and leachate characteristics Dr. Sayali Apte, Preeti Mishra SIU-SCRI Non- Government 2020 1.5
2 Design Devlopment and techno economic (using ML) analysis of 3D printed lattice base protective gear Dr. Sharnil Pandya (PI) Dr Anirban Surr and Sarafaraj Shaikh as Co-PI SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 1.5
3 Design of an sutomated system for controlled synthesis of coatings developed by the plasma arc oxidation process Priya Jadhav SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 1
4 Artificial Intelligence based fault detection in bearings using vibrations and sound sensor Pooja Kamat SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 1.5

Consultancy Details

Sr.No Consultancy Details Organisation Start date Duration Amount in Rs.
1 Training program for girl diploma students TATA Electron ics, skill Sonics June 2020 36 Days 7,43,400
2 Training program for girl diploma students TATA Electron ics, skill Sonics Oct 2020 36 Days 5,42,505

Research Project

Sr. No. Name of the project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Year of Award Fund provided (INR in LAKH) Duration
1 Automatic disinfectant tunnel system to prevent COVID pandemic using ultrasonic sensor (2020-21) Dr. Anirban Sur Internal funding by SIU 2019 0.52 Completed
2 Design and Development of aerosol generator for biomedical applications Dr. Nitin Khedkar Internal funding by SIU 2019 9.75 Completed
3 Development of novel micro lattice heat exchangers with various lattice structures and flow patterns for heat transfer enhancement Dr. Anirban Sur Internal funding by SIU 2019 9.10 Completed

External Project

Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs) Duration
1 Development of High Order Accurate Numerical Scheme for Steady/Unsteady Incompressible Flow involving Stationary/Moving Boundaries over Unstructured Mesh Dr. Chandrakant Rameshchandra Sonawane SERB DST, Govt of India Government 2019 18.04 Completed
2 Design and Automation of a movable multipurpose chamber and salt(s) dispenser Dr. Anirban Sur National Institute for Research and Development in Defence Shipbuilding (NIRDESH), IWCEM (first two remittance Rs 17000 and 22000) and then one by OSNAR Paints. Rs 24000. Non-Government 2019 0.63 Completed
3 Algorithms towards development of responsible AI Dr. Ketan Kotecha ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme Government 2019 4.72
4 Developing Ethical AI models for Robotics and Multiagent Systems Dr. Rahee Walimbe ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme Government 2019 4.72
5 Design, development and analysis of hollow micro-lattice compact heat exchanger (Heat pipe) for space/aircraft applications Dr. Meena Laad ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme Government 2019 4.72
6 Development of Algorithms for Credibility Analysis of Information(CAI) Dr. Ketan Kotecha Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration Government 2019 61.9
7 Development of Explainable AI Techniques for Complex Disease Diagnosis using Genomics Data Dr. Rahee Walimbe Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration Government 2019 61.9
8 Potential and validation of sustainable natural & advance technologies for water & wastewater treatment, monitoring and safe water reuse in India. Dr. Kanchan Khare PAVITR Non-Government 2019 79.04


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
11 Design and Development of Aerosol Generator for Biomedical Applications. Dr. Nitin Khedkar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2019 9.75
12 Design Development and Analysis of Hollow Polymer based Micro Lattice Compact Heat Exchanger Dr. Anirban Sur SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2019 9.1
13 Development of Smart Water Information and Management System for Symbiosis Bandhara Dr. Himanshu Agrawal SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2020 10
14 Design Development and Analysis of Blades for Compost Mixing Dr. Sanjay Darvekar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2019 10
15 Analysis of Behavior of Bacterial Concrete in Different Mix Designs. Prof. Sayali Sandbhor SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2019 9.8


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Graphene Nanosheets From plastic waste for water purification Rupali Nagar- Aditya Shinde SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2019 1.5


Sr.No Consultancy Details Organization Start Date Duration Amount in INR [Lakhs)
3 Development of web application and software tool TEAM Management Service/td> 01/03/2019 3 years 15

External Project

Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Metal Matrix nano-composites synthesized using nanosilica extracted from natural ceramic Rice husk ash for industrial applications Dr. Meena Laad UGC-DAE Government 2018 8.6
2 AI for Earth Microsoft Azure Grant Dr. Preeti Mulay Microsoft Non-Government 2018 1.4
3 AI for Earth Microsoft Azure Grant Dr. Preeti Mulay Microsoft Non-Government 2018 3.5
4 AI for Earth Microsoft Azure Grant Dr. Himanshu Agarwal Microsoft Non-Government 2018 3.5


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Experimental and numerical anlysis of cracked aluminium plate repaired with a composite patch Shahid Tamboli SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2018 1.5
2 Experimental investigation on hydaulic performance of a composite sea well Vaishnavi Dabir SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2018 1.35

Consultancy Details

Sr.No Consultancy Details Organization Start Date Duration Amount in INR [Lakhs)
1 Design and Development of automated processing chamber NIRDESH 01/01/2018 2 years 0.66

External Project

Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Development of High Order Accurate Numerical Scheme for Steady/Unsteady Incompressible Flow involving Stationary/Moving Boundaries over Unstructured Mesh Dr. Chandrakant Sonawane DST-SERB Government 2017 18
2 Comparison and evaluation of engine emission including nano particle emission, performance, noise and wear of diesel and algae/jatropha/karanja biodiesel usng nano particle fuel additive in A 160 hp military transport vehicle turbo charged cd engine Dr. Anand Pandey Life Sciences research Board, DRDO Non-Government 2017 17.24


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Tribiological and mechanical investigation of hybrid reinforced polymer matrix composites Vinay Kumar Dhinkara SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2017 1.5
2 Evaluation of Pollutant loadings in Storm Water runoff from a mixed urban catchement: A case study of Pune. Mugdha Kshirsagar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2017 1.5

External Project

Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Development of Draught Monitoring System in India Dr Tarun P. Singh DST Government 2016 29.978
2 In situ investigation of interface structure and spin orientation at the interface of magnetic and non magnetic layers Dr. Brajesh Pandey (PI) / Dr. Neeru Bhagat (Co-PI) UGC-DAE Government 2016 3.39
3 Developing Three-Dimensional Architecturally engineered nano-electrocatalyst for fuel cell applications Dr. Rupali Nagar DST-SERB Non-Government 2016 39.11


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Synthesis of Nanomaterials of Gas Sensing Applications Dr. Rupali nagar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2016 1.5
2 Mathematical Modeling and Experimental investigation on Flexible Heat Pipe for improved heat transfer characteristics Dr. Chandrakant Sonawane SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2016 1.5
3 Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Single Point Cutting Tool Under Deep Cryogenic Treatment. Dr. Satish Kumar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2016 1.5
4 “Experimental Investigation of hybrid nano composite prepared by powder metallurgy process for automotive application” Sachit T.S. SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2016 1.5
5 nstallation of Small Scale Biogas Plant that Operates Under Thermophillic Condition of Dry & Continuous Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Waste Nandish R.V. SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2016 1.5

External Project

Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 ‘Effect of preparation conditions on nanoparticle formation and oxygen stoichiometry of metal oxides’ Dr. Neeru Bhagat (PI) / Dr. Brajesh Pandey (Co-PI) UGC-DAE Government 2015 6

Consultancy Details

Sr.No Consultancy Details Organization Start Date Duration Amount in INR [Lakhs)
1 SIU Earthen Dam testing consultancy Symbiosis Projects Department Jan 2015 1 year NA

External Project

Sr. No. Name of the Scheme/Project/Endowments/Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding Agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Department / Institute / Research Centers Department / Institute / Research Centers - Short Name Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1 Development of new nanostructured thermoelectric materials for waste heat recovery applications Dr. Shekhar Bhame DST-SERB Government 2014 14.5


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Developing a model for the assessment and prediction of Ground Water Contamination: A Case study Dr. Kanchan Khare, Prof. Dhanya N. SIU-SCRI Non- Government 2014 1.5

Consultancy Details

Sr.No Consultancy Details Organization Start Date Duration Amount in INR [Lakhs]
1 National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) 22-04-13 Ongoing (2023) 52.26


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 Biosorption of Toxic Hexavalent Chromium from Industrial Effluents using Low Cost Biomaterial Nilisha itankar SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2013 1.5
2 Electrical Discharge Machining of Monel Alloy, Shape Memory Alloy and Berllium Copper Alloy Vijaykumar Jatti SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2013 1.5
2 Developing a model for the assessment and prediction ground water contamination: A case study Dr. kanchan Khare SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2013 1.5


Sr.No Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs)
1 EngineeringExperimentation to test wear and friction resistance offered by die steels after performing EDM, using different electrodes and suspened metal powder in the electrolyte solution Dr. Tejinder Paul Singh SIU-SCRI Non-Government 2012 1.17