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Webinar by Eminent Scientist from Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA

International cell of SIT organized a webinar on Risk based approaches to Electronics hardware Assurance on Aug. 6, 2020 for the students of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering students of SIT. The Resource Speaker was distinguished scientist Dr Bhanu Sood from NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.
Dr Bhanu Sood presently serves in a dual role as the delegated program manager for NASA Workmanship and as a Commodity Risk Assessment Engineer (CRAE) at Goddard Space Flight Center.
Dr Meena Laad, Head, International Initiatives, SIT formally welcomed and introduced the speaker Dr Bhanu Sood. The talk by Dr Sood began with a description about various facilities of NASA and their functions which enthralled the audience. During his talk Dr Sood explained the meaning of Risk in terms of probability and consequences of the undesired events. Dr Sood emphasized on a systematic approach of looking across all options and ensuring that mitigating a particular risk should not cause a much greater risk somewhere else in the system. He elaborated how his team at NASA coordinates with many other teams involved in a Space Mission Project and assesses the Risks in the entire mission. He explained the significance of Risk Assessment and briefed about various ambition projects of NASA such as Lucy Space Probe, PSP, Landset-9, OCIRIS-REX, TESS, OSAM-1.
The session was ended with interesting questions from the students and brilliant answers by Dr Sood. Dr Bhanu also shared his experiences with students as a lead Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) engineer at NASA and how he manages overall development efforts pertaining to risk and reliability of microelectronics packaging and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) used in Goddard’s flight missions and ground support equipment which evoked lot of curiosity and excitement about NASA among the students. The session ended with vote of thanks by Dr Abhaya Singh, Asst. Professor, Dept. of E & TC, Symbiosis Institute of Technology.